- Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services(0)
- Advertising Services(0)
- Agricultural Co-operatives(0)
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Repair Shops(0)
- Air Conditioning Contractors – Sales and Installation, Heating Contractors – Sales, Service, Installation(0)
- Airlines(0)
- Airlines, Air Carriers ( not listed elsewhere)(0)
- Airports, Airport Terminals, Flying Fields(0)
- Ambulance Services(0)
- Amusement Parks, Carnivals, Circuses, Fortune Tellers(0)
- Antique Reproductions(0)
- Antique Shops(0)
- Aquariums, Sea-aquariums, Dolphinariums(0)
- Architectural – Engineering and Surveying Services(0)
- Art Dealers and Galleries(0)
- Artist’s Supply and Craft Shops(0)
- Automated Fuel Dispensers(0)
- Automobile and Truck Dealers (Used Only)(0)
- Automobile Associations(0)
- Automobile Parking Lots and Garages(0)
- Automobile Supply Stores(0)
- Automotive Body Repair Shops(0)
- Automotive Parts, Accessories Stores(0)
- Automotive Service Shops(0)
- Automotive Tire Stores(0)
- Bakeries(0)
- Bands, Orchestras, and Miscellaneous Entertainers (Not Elsewhere Classified)(0)
- Barber and Beauty Shops(0)
- Betting (including Lottery Tickets, Casino Gaming Chips, Off-track Betting and Wagers at Race Tracks)(0)
- Bicycle Shops – Sales and Service(0)
- Billiard and Pool Establishments(0)
- Boat Dealers(0)
- Boat Rentals and Leases(0)
- Book Stores(0)
- Books, Periodicals, and Newspapers(0)
- Bowling Alleys(0)
- Bus Lines, Including Charters, Tour Buses(0)
- Business and Secretarial Schools(0)
- Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified(0)
- Buying/Shopping Services, Clubs(0)
- Cable and other pay television (previously Cable Services)(0)
- Camera and Photographic Supply Stores(0)
- Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Stores(0)
- Car and Truck Dealers (New and Used) Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, and Leasing(0)
- Car Rental(0)
- Car Rental Companies ( Not Listed Below)(0)
- Car Washes(0)
- Card Shops, Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Shops(0)
- Carpentry Contractors(0)
- Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning(0)
- Caterers(0)
- Charitable and Social Service Organizations(0)
- Chemicals and Allied Products, Not Elsewhere Classified(0)
- Child Care Services(0)
- Children’s and Infant’s Wear Stores(0)
- Chiropractors(0)
- Cigar Stores and Stands(0)
- Civic, Fraternal, and Social Associations(0)
- Cleaning and Maintenance, Janitorial Services(0)
- Clothing Rental – Costumes, Formal Wear, Uniforms(0)
- Colleges, Junior Colleges, Universities, and ProfessionalSchools(0)
- Commercial Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified(0)
- Commercial Footwear(0)
- Commercial Photography, Art and Graphics(0)
- Commercial Sports, Athletic Fields, Professional Sport Clubs, and Sport Promoters(0)
- Computer Maintenance and Repair Services, Not Elsewhere Classified(0)
- Computer Network Services(0)
- Computer Programming, Integrated Systems Design and Data Processing Services(0)
- Computer Software Stores(0)
- Computers, Computer Peripheral Equipment, Software(0)
- Construction Materials, Not Elsewhere Classified(0)
- Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies(0)
- Contractors – Concrete Work(0)
- Contractors – Special Trade, Not Elsewhere Classified(0)
- Correspondence Schools(0)
- Cosmetic Stores(0)
- Counseling Service – Debt, Marriage, Personal(0)
- Courier Services – Air or Ground, Freight forwarders(0)
- Cruise and Steamship Lines(0)
- Dairy Products Stores(0)
- Dance Halls, Studios and Schools(0)
- Dating and Escort Services(0)
- Dentists and Orthodontists(0)
- Department Stores(0)
- Direct Marketing – Catalog and Catalog and Retail Merchant(0)
- Direct Marketing – Catalog Merchant(0)
- Direct Marketing – Continuity/Subscription Merchant(0)
- Direct Marketing – Inbound Teleservices Merchant(0)
- Direct Marketing – Not Elsewhere Classified(0)
- Direct Marketing – Travel Related Arrangements Services(0)
- Direct Marketing- Insurance Service(0)
- Direct Marketing- Outbound Telemarketing Merchant(0)
- Discount Stores(0)
- Doctors and Physicians (Not Elsewhere Classified)(0)
- Door-to-Door Sales(0)
- Drapery, Window Covering and Upholstery Stores(0)
- Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages), Bars, Taverns, Cocktail lounges, Nightclubs and Discotheques(0)
- Drug Stores and Pharmacies(0)
- Drugs, Drug Proprietors, and Druggist’s Sundries(0)
- Dry Cleaners(0)
- Durable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified(0)
- Duty Free Store(0)
- Eating places and Restaurants(0)
- Electric Razor Stores – Sales and Service(0)
- Electric, Gas, Sanitary and Water Utilities(0)
- Electrical And Small Appliance Repair Shops(0)
- Electrical Contractors(0)
- Electrical Parts and Equipment(0)
- Electronic Sales(0)
- Elementary and Secondary Schools(0)
- Employment Agencies, Temporary Help Services(0)
- Equipment Rental and Leasing Services, Tool Rental, Furniture Rental, and Appliance Rental(0)
- Exterminating and Disinfecting Services(0)
- Family Clothing Stores(0)
- Fast Food Restaurants(0)
- Fax services, Telecommunication Services(0)
- Financial Institutions – Manual Cash Disbursements(0)
- Financial Institutions – Manual Cash Disbursements(0)
- Financial Institutions – Merchandise and Services(0)
- Fireplace, Fireplace Screens, and Accessories Stores(0)
- Floor Covering Stores(0)
- Florists(0)
- Florists’ Supplies, Nursery Stock and Flowers(0)
- Fuel – Fuel Oil, Wood, Coal, Liquefied Petroleum(0)
- Funeral Service and Crematories(0)
- Furniture, Furniture Repair, and Furniture Refinishing(0)
- Furniture, Home Furnishings, and Equipment Stores, ExceptAppliances(0)
- Furriers and Fur Shops(0)
- General Contractors-Residential and Commercial(0)
- Glass, Paint, and Wallpaper Stores(0)
- Glassware/Crystal Stores(0)
- Golf Courses – Public(0)
- Government Services ( Not Elsewhere Classified)(0)
- Grocery Stores, Supermarkets(0)
- Hardware Equipment and Supplies(0)
- Hardware Stores(0)
- Health and Beauty Shops(0)
- Hearing Aids – Sales, Service, and Supply Stores(0)
- Hobby, Toy, and Game Shops(0)
- Home Supply Warehouse Stores(0)
- Horticultural Services, Landscaping Services(0)
- Hospitals(0)
- Hotels/Motels/Inns/Resorts(0)
- Household Appliance Stores(0)
- Industrial Supplies, Not Elsewhere Classified(0)
- Information Retrieval Services(0)
- Insulation – Contractors, Masonry, Stonework Contractors, Plastering Contractors, Stonework and Masonry Contractors, Tile Settings Contractors(0)
- Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums(0)
- Insurance, Not Elsewhere Classified ( no longer valid forfirst presentment work)(0)
- Laundry – Family and Commercial(0)
- Laundry, Cleaning, and Garment Services(0)
- Leather Goods Stores(0)
- Legal Services and Attorneys(0)
- Local/Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation – Railroads, Feries, Local Water Transportation.(0)
- Lodging – Hotels, Motels, Resorts, Central Reservation Services (not elsewhere classified)(0)
- Lumber and Building Materials Stores(0)
- Management, Consulting, and Public Relations Services(0)
- Marinas, Marine Service, and Supplies(0)
- Massage Parlors(0)
- Meat Provisioners – Freezer and Locker(0)
- Medical and Dental Laboratories(0)
- Medical Services and Health Practitioners (Not Elsewhere Classified)(0)
- Medical, Dental Ophthalmic, Hospital Equipment and Supplies(0)
- Membership Clubs (Sports, Recreation, Athletic), Country Clubs, and Private Golf Courses(0)
- Membership Organizations ( Not Elsewhere Classified)(0)
- Men’s and Boy’s Clothing and Accessories Stores(0)
- Men’s and Women’s Clothing Stores(0)
- Men’s Women’s and Children’s Uniforms and Commercial Clothing(0)
- Metal Service Centers and Offices(0)
- Misc. Food Stores – Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets(0)
- Misc. General Merchandise(0)
- Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Stores(0)
- Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Shops(0)
- Miscellaneous Auto Dealers (0)
- Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Specialty Stores(0)
- Miscellaneous Personal Services ( not elsewhere classifies)(0)
- Miscellaneous Publishing and Printing(0)
- Mobile Home Dealers(0)
- Money Orders – Wire Transfer(0)
- Motion Picture Theaters(0)
- Motion Pictures and Video Tape Production and Distribution(0)
- Motor Freight Carriers, Moving and Storage Companies, Trucking – Local/Long Distance, Delivery Services – Local(0)
- Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rentals(0)
- Motor Home Dealers(0)
- Motor vehicle supplies and new parts(0)
- Motorcycle Dealers(0)
- Music Stores, Musical Instruments, Piano Sheet Music(0)
- News Dealers and Newsstands(0)
- Non-durable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified(0)
- Non-Financial Institutions – Foreign Currency, Money Orders (not wire transfer) and Travelers Cheques(0)
- Nurseries – Lawn and Garden Supply Store(0)
- Nursing and Personal Care Facilities(0)
- Office and Commercial Furniture(0)
- Office, Photographic, Photocopy, and Microfilm Equipment(0)
- Opticians, Opticians Goods and Eyeglasses(0)
- Optometrists and Ophthalmologists(0)
- Orthopedic Goods Prosthetic Devices(0)
- Osteopaths(0)
- Package Stores – Beer, Wine, and Liquor(0)
- Package Tour Operators (For use in Germany only)(0)
- Paint Shops – Automotive(0)
- Paints, Varnishes, and Supplies(0)
- Passenger Railways(0)
- Pawn Shops and Salvage Yards(0)
- Pet Shops, Pet Foods, and Supplies Stores(0)
- Petroleum and Petroleum Products(0)
- Photofinishing Laboratories, Photo Developing(0)
- Photographic Studios(0)
- Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods(0)
- Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies(0)
- Podiatrists and Chiropodists(0)
- Political Organizations(0)
- Postal Services – Government Only(0)
- Precious Stones and Metals, Watches and Jewelry(0)
- Professional Services ( Not Elsewhere Defined)(1)
- Protective and Security Services – Including Armored Carsand Guard Dogs(0)
- Public warehousing, Storage(0)
- Quick Copy, Reproduction and Blueprinting Services(0)
- Radio Repair Shops(0)
- Railroads(0)
- Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals(0)
- Record Shops(0)
- Recreation Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)(0)
- Recreational and Utility Trailers, Camp Dealers(0)
- Religious Goods Stores(0)
- Religious Organizations(0)
- Repair Shops and Related Services –Miscellaneous(0)
- Roofing – Contractors, Sheet Metal Work – Contractors, Siding – Contractors(0)
- Schools and Educational Services ( Not Elsewhere Classified)(0)
- Security Brokers/Dealers(0)
- Service Stations ( with or without ancillary services)(0)
- Sewing, Needle, Fabric, and Price Goods Stores(0)
- Shoe Stores(0)
- Shop Repair Shops and Shoe Shine Parlors, and Hat Cleaning Shops(0)
- Snowmobile Dealers(0)
- Specialty Cleaning, Polishing, and Sanitation Preparations(0)
- Sporting and Recreational Camps(0)
- Sporting Goods Stores(0)
- Sports Apparel, Riding Apparel Stores(0)
- Stamp and Coin Stores – Philatelic and Numismatic Supplies(0)
- Stationery Stores, Office and School Supply Stores(0)
- Stationery, Office Supplies, Printing, and Writing Paper(0)
- Stenographic and Secretarial Support Services(0)
- Swimming Pools – Sales, Service, and Supplies(0)
- Tailors, Seamstress, Mending, and Alterations(0)
- Tax Preparation Service(0)
- Taxicabs and Limousines(0)
- Telecommunications Equipment including telephone sales(0)
- Telegraph services(0)
- Tent and Awning Shops(0)
- Testing Laboratories ( non-medical)(0)
- Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Pictures), Ticket Agencies(0)
- Timeshares(0)
- Tire Re-treading and Repair Shops(0)
- Toll and Bridge Fees(0)
- Tourist Attractions and Exhibits(0)
- Towing Services(0)
- Trailer Parks and Camp Grounds(0)
- Transportation Services, Not elsewhere classified)(0)
- Travel Agencies and Tour Operations(0)
- Truck and Utility Trailer Rentals(0)
- Truck Stop(0)
- Typesetting, Plate Making, & Related Services(0)
- Typewriter Stores – Sales, Rental, Service(0)
- Used Merchandise and Secondhand Stores(0)
- Variety Stores(0)
- Veterinary Services(0)
- Video Amusement Game Supplies(0)
- Video Game Arcades/Establishments(0)
- Video Tape Rental Stores(0)
- Vocational Schools and Trade Schools(0)
- Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Repair(0)
- Watch, Clock, Jewelry, and Silverware Stores(0)
- Welding Repair(0)
- Wholesale Clubs(0)
- Wig and Toupee Stores(0)
- Women’s Accessory and Specialty Shops(0)
- Women’s Ready-to-Wear Stores(0)
- Wrecking and Salvage Yards(0)